How to Stay Connected with Your College Student

How to Stay Connected with Your College Student


Sending your child off to college can be an emotional rollercoaster for both parents and students. While your child is off exploring their newfound independence, maintaining that essential connection can be challenging. However, with the right strategies, you can bridge the gap and nurture your relationship, ensuring they feel supported even from afar.

1. Send Thoughtful Care Packages

One of the most heartwarming ways to stay connected is by sending care packages. A customized box filled with your child’s favorite snacks, toiletries, or comforting items can bring a smile to their face and remind them of home. Consider including personal touches, such as handwritten notes or small mementos. If you’re short on time, services like offer pre-made care packages that cater to college students’ tastes.

2. Schedule Regular Video Calls

Video calls can significantly enhance your communication experience. Use platforms like Skype or Zoom to have face-to-face conversations that feel more personal than a standard phone call. Setting a regular schedule for these calls can help both of you manage your time better. Whether it’s a weekly catch-up or a spontaneous chat, seeing each other’s faces can reinforce your bond.

3. Share Home-Cooked Goodies

After weeks of cafeteria food, your college student will appreciate a taste of home. Send them travel-friendly treats, like homemade brownies or cookies. Remember to think about their roommates—include enough for everyone! Seasonal items, such as holiday-themed goodies, can also be a great way to remind them of family traditions.

4. Engage Through Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media is an excellent tool for staying connected. Follow your child on platforms like Facebook or Instagram to keep up with their college life. However, be mindful of their boundaries; students often prefer brief texts or messages over lengthy phone conversations. Find the right balance so you can stay updated without overwhelming them.

5. Capture Moments with Video Messages

Consider sending short video messages to express your love and encouragement. A simple “I miss you” or a motivational pep talk can mean the world to your child. Encourage them to send videos back, allowing both of you to share snippets of your daily lives.

6. Visit When You Can

Make it a priority to visit your college student at least once a semester. Attend special events like parents’ weekends or football games to show your support. Experiencing their environment firsthand can deepen your understanding of their new life and create lasting memories together.

7. Write Letters

In a world dominated by digital communication, receiving a handwritten letter can feel incredibly special. Aim to send a personal letter once a month. This gesture will not only brighten their day but also give them something tangible to hold on to—a reminder of home.

8. Share News from Home

Keep your college student in the loop about what’s happening back home. Share updates about local events, family news, or even articles from the local newspaper. This will help them feel connected to their hometown and reduce feelings of homesickness.


Maintaining a close relationship with your college student is achievable with creativity and effort. By incorporating care packages, video calls, and thoughtful communication, you can ensure that your bond remains strong despite the distance. Embrace this new chapter together, and remember, your love and support will always be the foundation of their success.

By Ninja

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