Comic Artists Highlight Environmental Issues in #RewritingEarth

Our planet is facing many serious problems, most of which are caused by humans. It’s important to spread the message that people need to change their habits and stop focusing only on their own interests and wealth. Instead, we should all take action to help save Earth, which desperately needs our support, along with all the other creatures we share it with. People need to realize they are not the center of the universe; they should learn more about the world and respect all forms of life.

Thanks to organizations like “Rewriting Earth,” founded by Paul Goodenough, these important messages about the future of our planet are being heard. We mentioned this charity in our previous post, so be sure to check it out to learn more. Today, we want to share more comics created by artists who have teamed up with the project to help protect the environment.


Bored Panda spoke with Paul Goodenough about “Rewriting Earth” and its current goals. When asked how his organization decides which environmental issues to focus on, Paul said, “It’s like trying to scoop water out of a sinking ship! We focus on the biggest problems and the best solutions at the time, so we always have to be ready. That’s why we created our Rapid Response Lab, where we create content within hours of important news or issues.”

Scroll down to check out the latest comics made with top cartoonists and read our full interview with Paul.



The founder of “Rewriting Earth” shared a recent example of the charity’s quick response to a problem: “In the UK, the government promised to invest £26 billion in environmental solutions but later pulled back, thinking the public wouldn’t support spending that money on the planet instead of something like healthcare.

We noticed this and launched a new campaign called SAVE OUR GRASSROOTS to encourage people to speak up and show the government that the public does support using that money to help the environment.”



Goodenough highlighted the main factors that guide “Rewriting Earth’s” decisions: “We use several ways to decide what to focus on next. Mainly, we ask:

  • Does it create real benefits for animals and the planet?
  • Who can make a difference? Is it the public, politicians, or someone else?

Once we know who needs to take action to create change, we decide if we’re the right ones to help. Then we compare this issue to others, get advice from our network of experts, and take action!”



When asked how “Rewriting Earth” balances scientific accuracy with creative freedom in their stories, Paul explained: “It’s a lot like what a translator does. We first talk to experts and the people most affected by the issue. Then, we turn that information into language, comics, and content that can reach the people who can make a difference.

It sounds easy, but like many things, the real challenge is making it look simple.”



Paul also shared the emotional challenges of working with serious, real-world issues: “Honestly, it’s really tough. It truly is. We try to make sure that creating the content is fun and that everyone involved enjoys the process.

We want people to enjoy helping the planet, just like they do with gym or fitness culture. It can be difficult, but it can also be fun!”



We also asked Paul if there are any species or environmental issues he’s especially passionate about but hasn’t addressed yet. He said: “There are so many. Most of the problems come from us destroying animals’ homes, leaving them nowhere to live. That’s at the core of most issues. We need to protect large areas of the planet for them. Even if you don’t care about animals, if they disappear, we will too.”



Paul added: “I’d really love to do something with giant anteaters. They look like a kid’s drawing and don’t make any sense at all. Each of their legs seems like it belongs to a different animal, and I just adore them.

In the UK, I’d also love to do more for butterflies. They make everyone happy and are so beautiful. But honestly, I love all animals. So, anytime an animal is saved, it’s a great day for me and something I’m really proud of.

That gives me energy and a lot of happiness.”

















By Ninja

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