After not being able to conceive for eight long years, this couple visited the doctor to find they’d be having more than one baby. “…it was pure terror and pure joy at the same time.”
The lovely couple Ashley and Tyson Gardner have always wanted to have kids, but it just seemed like it wasn’t meant to be for them. They’ve been struggling to conceive children for over eight years, and it’s been an incredibly stressful period for both of them.
Ashley and Tyson aren’t alone – it’s estimated that one in five couples have fertility issues.

However, Ashley and Tyson never gave up on their dream to expand their family.
The couple invested a large amount of their savings to be able to proceed with IVF therapy, which would be their only remaining choice to actually be able to conceive children. They went ahead with the procedure in July of 2014 and were understandably very nervous to find out whether or not the therapy would actually work.

They went through countless medical tests but were hopeful that it would actually have a positive outcome. Husband Tyson decided to film the moment that doctors would tell them if the IVF treatment was successful or not, just to see the reaction and happiness on his wife’s face. Hearing negative news was never an option for Tyson, the IVF simply had to work.
And it did work! The doctors then told her that she was expecting a child.
The couple was overjoyed and incredibly relieved. After eight long years, the Gardner family was about to welcome a new member.
Or at least, that’s what they assumed.

When Ashley got her first ultrasound image, they were in store for a much, much bigger surprise.
They expected to see their baby for the very first time, but the ultrasound revealed a whole lot more.
Even the doctors were completely astounded when they saw the image because there was not just one baby on the screen. Not even two or three, but no less than four!

Ashley was pregnant with four children, two identical sets of twins.
“When we first found out we were having quadruplets, it was pure terror and pure joy at the same time,” Ashley said on her website.
“The doctors said we only had a 40% chance of having one baby, so to have all four to come at once was a huge blessing and a huge miracle.”
The couple expected one child, and now they were getting four baby girls. Two fertilized eggs split up during conception, which is something that is extremely rare and only occurs once every 70 million times. From not being able to conceive at all to an extremely unlikely event like this – it has definitely been a rollercoaster ride for Ashley and Tyson.

The following nine months definitely weren’t easy and having to carry four children around was a very hefty task – but thankfully, the birth itself went relatively smooth without any major issues.
“But I didn’t know anyone who’d had quadruplets. I didn’t know if it was physically possible for a woman, I knew nothing about it. I had vertigo and morning sickness for the first 16 weeks. I couldn’t eat anything and I lost 20 pounds in my first trimester. My body hurt, my bones hurt and my hips would dislocate every time I rolled over.”
Before they knew it, the adorable and beautiful baby girls Scarlett, Evangeline, Indie and Esme were welcomed to the world.

The story of Ashley and Tyson is most definitely a very special one, and they’ve been featured in plenty of news media and television shows around the world, both before and after birth. The family is absolutely adorable and heartwarming.

The Gardner family has quite the following on social media, and the couple regularly gives updates on their daily lives with these adorable quadruplets. During the first few months, fans even brought clothing and baby supplies to help cover the hefty expenses for four children at the same time, which were costs that the couple obviously hadn’t foreseen.
“My heart was truly touched by the amount of nappies and baby outfits that turned up by our door when they were born,” Ashley said. “There really are amazing, kind, good people out there and I’m so grateful to those who follow our story and love these babies.”

One big happy family!
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